Mash-up: Student Created Animated Dictionaries (UPDATED)

Updated as of June 2020.

An animated dictionary is a fun way for students to see vocabulary words come to life. The students can select a video that they feel best represents the word an create a GIF. Here is an example with the word geyser. 

To create an animated dictionary I suggest using the following tools:

Here is a quick video showing you the steps I took to create the animated dictionary. 

I suggest having the students write the definition, in their own words, of the vocabulary word in the presentation notes section. 

Implementation Ideas:
  • Create a dictionary for each unit and have students collaboratively build animations based on unit vocabulary.
  • Group students and assign various roles (example: GIF Maker, Word Maker, Definer).
  • Have students collaboratively create a whole class animated dictionary.
  • Have students create individual dictionaries and share with one another.


  1. This is so cool! Is there any way to save it from here as a GIF or something else that is animated? Looking through the Download As options from Slides it doesn't appear there is anything to save it as anything but still. Really, really love this idea for vocab!

    1. Unfortunately, as you can saw there is not a way to save a Google Slide as a GIF. I am glad that you love the idea. It is a fun way for students to interact with the words.

  2. This is Kathleen Forsell from Megan's computer! This is perfect for my plan for vocab in AP Psych! There are something like 50 words a unit and 14 units so I was thinking this would be a cool way to engage them and get rid of "vocab cards ugh" feelings!
