My Favorite Chrome Extensions - Week of January 19th

Here are my favorite Chrome extensions for the week. The focus is on productivity and saving yourself some time. Let's face it, we can all use some more time. 

#1: Session Buddy
Type: Productivity
Summary: This extension allows you to manage your browser all in one place. You are able to see all the tabs you have open in one place, save open tabs and restore them later, organize links by topic and search for them. 

Tab Cloud use to be my favorite browser manager. In my opinion, Session Buddy blows Tab Cloud out of the water. 

#2: Padlet Mini
Type: Productivity
Summary: If you don't use Padlet, I highly suggest you check it out. It is a great web tool that allows people to create 'session' boards with links, images, text, and more. The board can be set up so anyone with access (specific people to public) can post to or just view the board. This is a great tool for collaboration.The Padlet Mini extension allows you to easily post any webpage to one of your Padlet boards. 

#3: Too Long Didn't Read (TLDR)
Type: Productivity
Summary: I can't believe that I have not showcased this extension yet. This is one of my favorite extensions to show people. The title says it all, it takes web articles and shortens them for you. There are 4 different lengths you can choose from: summary, short, medium, and long. This extension is great for students who need modifications or for teachers who don't have time to read the entire thing. Unfortunately, it doesn't work for email....but wouldn't that be nice.

#4: Todoist
Type: Productivity
Summary: This is a simple to-do list that will travel with you anytime you are signed into Chrome. Great for keeping track of all the things you have to accomplish in your life. Create different lists (work, home, etc.), but access them from the same place. 

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