WordItOut - Great Word Cloud Website

Word clouds have been around for a while and are commonly used in language arts classes. For those that might not be familiar, a word cloud is a visual representation of randomly generated words. The bigger the words the most often they appear in the submitted text. Here is an example of a word cloud I made from the summary of the Armada by Ernest Cline book.  

Having students preview a book through a word cloud is a great way for them to predict what the book will be about. 

I stumbled upon WordItOut when we discovered that other sites could not be accessed by students due to not being able to download or update java and silverlightIt works great on our student devices because it doesn't need those additional plug-ins and it has some nice features. With WordItOut you can create a word cloud from sentences, whole documents, web addresses and tables. 

Once the word cloud has been generated, you have the ability to manipulate the visual to make it more unique to your style. 

Once you are pleased with the result, save and download the word cloud (email is required). For those students that don't have email, they can take screenshot of the word cloud. 

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